Doug outlined three major views held by Christian on pre-born and infant death:
- All Children who Die Go to Heaven
- The Children of Believers go to Heaven
- All Children called of God go to Heaven, and Christians can have great Confidence in the Mercy and Goodness of God.
- The Kingdom of Heaven Belongs to Little Children (Luke 18:15-17)
- The Multitude of Children in Heaven (Revelation 7:9)
- At least some children are chosen and sanctified from the womb (I Samuel 1:8-2:21; Luke 1:15; Jeremiah 1:5; Psalm 22:9)
- The hope of discipling our families on the priorities, nobilities, and sacrifices of Motherhood.
- The hope that tragedy provides to model confidence in the sovereignty of God to your children and the world.
“Miscarriage is for a moment; a soul is forever.”