I sat down last week and came up with the best "schedule" I could considering I *hate* scheduling.
We started today and it is going far better than I could have dreamed! So far we are running an hour ahead and I have not napped which is HUGE since I got very little sleep last night.
5 am
wake up for Hubby and I.
get breakfast going, make Hubby's lunch
make our bed
start laundry
5:30-6 am
family up, eat, Bible time
6 am
Hubby off to work
clean up breakfast, 15 min pick up of living room
children do "bedroom" chores, shower, dress
final tidy of bathrooms
8 am- 12 pm
school time for all 3 children.
Mom's reading time or exercise and Bible 30 minutes
1 pm
lunch clean up
quiet reading time/ read aloud
free time
3 pm
quick tidy of house
prepare for **evening activities**
wait for Hubby to arrive
free time
5-6 pm dinner
leave for **evening activities**
8-9 pm
20 min of Bible time
prepare children for bed
couple time
**evening activities**
Karate- Tuesday
AWANA- Wednesday
Men's Fraternity- Thrusday
This is a Tuesday through Friday schedule. Mondays we go to fine art classes so we miss "school, lunch, quiet time" at the house. We are trying to figure out a way to add some sort of school back in on Monday. That is the only draw back we have found to full time computer schooling since the laptop died. Maybe a trip to the library for some special reading material for those days and a report is in order. Maybe learning a handiwork skill. Whatever we do there are 6+ hours of time that needs filled for 2 of the 3 children waiting on classes.
The best comment today was my oldest daughter telling me "the house runs so much smoother doing it this way". She is right. It has been a better day with less fighting, stress, mess, and me yelling. :)