we just got home-
long story short is that she woke up vomiting and having diarrhea with stomach pain yesterday. yesterday afternoon she passed something that was about 1-2 in long by 1/2 in wide and look like a piece of flesh. (think chicken breast cut that size floating in water) and a blood clot about a quarter sized
as the day wore on pain got worse.
she can't eat now without pain. she got dehydrated. pain is really bad. tummy is swollen under belly button. her face was swollen
so we went to ER this afternoon after calling the GI Dr.
they gave her IV fluid and her color came back
gave her zofran for tummy
the ER Dr wanted to admit her but the GI (not ours) would not allow it.
hubby is mad. fed up. tired of taking her in PAIN to drs and being blown off...cause they don't have her records, cause her blood work is normal, cause they just can NOT find it quickly, cause (as tonight) he is not her Dr and since she has a standing appt tomorrow there was no reason to keep her
so he is taking tomorrow off work to take her to the GI clinic for her scheduled appt at 8:45am
we ate before we came home. she was in instant pain
ER Dr thinks it is small intestine polyps based on what I saw her pass and the area of pain