I feel so useless and I can't stand it. Hubs is doing projects and all I can do is sit and watch or maybe hold something in place while he works. I want to get in there and HELP maybe even learn to use power tools so I can do stuff around the house on my own.
I stayed home from church this morning with a sick kid. Got her taking herbs and essential oils, hot drink,and then all snuggled in my chair and I *thought* cleaning sounded great. After all we are running out of time to clean for Passover and Resurrection Day! We put our church's service on live stream
to not be complete sinners today ;) The worship music really helped to get me moving and singing praises while I worked! And God was speaking to me right through the pastor I just know it! Pastor actually didn't preach today because he felt the anointing so strong he called for prayers and laying on of hands for the whole service! It was amazing to watch and hear testimonies of those
hearing His voice this morning and
feeling God's AWESOME peace. I so wish I had been there. The worship team stayed on stage and played/sang quietly as Pastor spoke blessings and prayers. Hubs went up for the first time to the alter and asked for prayers for our family :)
I AM SO PROUD! What a step of FAITH!
I launched straight into my kitchen starting with unloading the dishwasher then attacking the huge pile of dishes in the sink. Got the dw going again and also started a load of laundry. Scrubbed the inside of the oven out. Steamed the microwave and wiped it out. Switched out the laundry and started more. Gave the counters and cabinets a good wash down. Sprayed all the appliances to remove finger prints and buffed the stainless and black finishes. Not much really...I didn't even touch the table or floor.
Hubby called on the way home starving for lunch so I threw together a huge meal.... mistimed the chicken getting cooked though. BUMMER. Got everyone fed and the food packed up in the fridge and I laid down and slept over 3 hours and I still woke up tired. Hit by a Mack truck type of tired. Needed tooth picks to hold my eyes open. Totally completely wiped out.
yep total whine there sorry :(
Wasn't long ago I could do all I did today and then tons more all the way until late night night and fall asleep. Tired but a good tired of things completed. Now I feel lazy and useless. I feel way older than my 35 yrs! It hasn't sunk into any one's thinking that mom isn't so much the supermom that would power through and get it done any more. It's causing some issues with expectations being unfulfilled. I'm having to learn to ASK for help and no feel lousy when something simple (like picking up a hurt child from the floor) can't be done without help. Everyone else is learning to listen when I ask and try to not be mad that once again I need them. I pray we all learn the new way of things quickly and I get some energy back too.
I am praying its just the busy stressful week(s) I've had catching up.
Curse you DST!!!
God IS good and this too shall pass :)